
Nomad class Mobile Station

NameNomad class Mobile Station
ManufacturerCelestial Dynamics
Type(-) Space Station
Tonnage4,000,000 tons (displacement: 5,000,000 tons)
Crew50 / 500 / 3,000
DimensionsLength: 1,500 m · Width: 300 m · Height: 400 m
Armour Class5
Cargo4,000,000 tons
Weapon spaces1000
Armour Plating500,000
Skill ModifiersOperate Sensors: +20%, Operate Comms: +20%
OptionsShort Range Sensors, Long Range Sensors, NLS Engine, Foldcomm
Speed1 km/s
Cost250.0 Million Cr
Availability10 %
Range48,625 light-years (redundancy: 0 tons, 0%)
Speed: Standard (300 ly/day) · Cost: x2.05 (41 cr/ly, 0.486 ly/fp)
Year20 RTC
AtmosphericNone (cannot operate in atmosphere)
Last Edited21. Jul 2016 at 14:52 ()

Toybox is a Nomad class Mobile Station which is available for civilians. The station has an NLS drive which will allow it to be towed into foldspace by tug boats.

The station has 5M tons of displacement which means that 5 Tugger 1000's are required to take it into foldspace.

The station is not meant for combat but can handle small assaults, especially when coupled with remote defense platforms.

The interior of the station is not extravagant but functional and the 3000 people that can use the station at a time are comfortable.

Only smaller ships can land inside the station and anything larger than 10.000 tons needs to dock with external docking ports.

There are rudimentary repair and refuel facilities available and much of the cargo space is used to store fuel and parts. These can also be stored in separate, external containers if needed.

The total cargo capacity of the station is 4 million tons (typically stations have a cargo capacity similar to their tonnage) and this is split between ship hangars, fuel and parts. The station also has in addition a fuel reserve of 100K tons of Foldspace fuel.

Nomad stöðin Toybox:

Stöðin er í full foldcom range og hefur aðgang að System Net hjá Beltane.


Kit hannar nýtt öryggiskerfi fyrir (00/70engSecSysDesign, 66/140opsec). Kostar í heild sinni 10mcr en þegar Tex er búinn að leggja í það 1mcr er það 80% tilbúið.

Kit kemst einnig að nokkrum mjög elusive öryggishönnunnargöllum í upprunalegri hönnun stöðvarinnar (og hugkvæmist að selja framleiðendunum upplýsingarnar), þar með talið lagnaleiðir sem gætu gefið möguleika fyrir okkur að infiltrera stöðina ef einhvertíma á þarf að halda. Þetta er eitthvað sem "engum" öðrum er ljóst og Kit gætir því upplýsinganna eins og sjáöldur augna sinna. Niðurstaðan er hinsvegar sú að Toybox fær top of the line öryggiskerfi.